Modulo Béton® Waste Management Facilities

The Modulo Béton® concept boasts several international patents.
Our household waste modular recycling center is based on a structure made up of modular blocks which are prefabricated in plant to be transported to and assembled on site and in record time.
Over 250 household waste modular recycling centers have already been built for French local communities and local communities worldwide…

Revolutionary waste management units
Our main patented technique is based on using prefabricated modular concrete blocks. They are assembled on site in record time (ranging from a few days to a few weeks) thus dividing major works time by three meaning that we can meet the tightest deadlines.
The only
household waste modular recycling center with 200% USEABLE CAPACITY
100 % usable capacity above: The inventive design of our modules provides a perfectly safe platform capable of bearing loads from 3.5 to 29 tonnes.
100 % useable capacity below: The sheltered, waterproofed, fire proofed ground level area contains convertible free space which can be scaled to your needs
The useable space is therefore doubled and offers considerable scope for storing (WEEE, DDS (specific diffuse waste), Reuse……) waste or material, such as composters, wheelie bins to be given out to users, or creating working space …….

Ready for use within 2 to 5 days
Our main patented technique is based on using complex prefabricated modular concrete blocks assembled on site and ready for use in record time (ranging from a few days to a few weeks) thus dividing ,on average, major works time by three meaning we can meet the tightest deadlines
From design to delivery:an all inclusive,
fully controlled process
Over 15 years of experience guarantee fully functional household waste modular recycling center design
The blocks are manufactured in our own plant or in our certified partners’ production units
Logistics, HWRC building and fitting are carried out by our own teams
All our works are fully insured for any manufacturing vice or defect for a period of ten years as from the formal acceptance of works.

Ten year guarantee and unmatched durability
All the household waste recycling centers we deliver are not only guaranteed for ten years but, thanks to the use of reinforced concrete, also offer a far higher level of Durability, Quality and Safety compared to other modular technologies.

Our environmentally friendly solution meets your local community’s CSR process requirements
In order to limit carbon footprint, we now manufacture our blocks using XX% of recycled concrete thus generating 30% less CO2 than traditional concrete production processes
Our sites generate very little noise which means better working conditions for our staff.
Our waste management facilities are low maintenance need no pest control system and are corrosion resistant and therefore avoids the use of chemicals.
The ground is unaltered by our facilities, therefore no land rehabilitation is needed, even when they are dismantled and moved.
Additional buildings
Keeper’s Lodges
Add a modular keeper’s lodge to your facility!
Either on a platform or at ground level, Modulo Béton® offers a variety of modular concrete block keeper’s lodges.
From 13 m2 to over 40 m2 we install within hours fully equipped turn- key units with an office, sanitary facilities, heating and air-conditioning technical closet options …
We supply a modular solution that meets all your needs on demand.
Unloading bays
Modulo Béton® also offers a variety of loading and unloading bays.
These bays are designed according to the tonnage to be processed and allow over 5 T vehicles to empty their loads from the top of the bay into the skips or bins below in totally safe working conditions.
These bays allow smaller trucks, used for local collection, to transfer their loads to larger vehicles which then take the loads to recycling and waste recovery units.
What is a mixed waste management facility?
The mixed waste management facility is a combination of two collection solutions:
- an above ground household waste modular recycling center made up of skips or bins collecting regular waste (rubble, wood, general waste, metal, tyres…)
- a ground level space just surrounded by a concrete wall where users can dispose of organic waste.
This solution takes the pressure off the platforms during Spring and Autumn, seasons during users need to dispose of mainly organic waste.